Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Merlyn's Love List~

Magick comes in all forms. Love being the most magical of all.

My friend, Lynn, posted some of her loves for this week, and I think that it's good to just appreciate and enjoy what IS. If the newscasters would only forecast GOOD news, (and keep us updated on what we have to know that is bad, but only in smaller doses) we'd have a happier world, less depressed people and more grateful population.

It's a Law of Attraction thing.

So here goes my "Love List" for this week~

I am loving my Harry for doing what he's been doing, sorting out some of his clutter, doing taxes and being a really sweet man to me. He even bought pizza and wings last night. A treat that I haven't had in awhile.

I am loving being with my friends on Facebook, sometimes it makes me laugh so much, and the connection feels so fun and good.

I love my dear friend who writes stories with me, in real life and fantasy. I love to write. I love making up stories, poems, and I appreciate reading and absorb and sponge it all up. I like squeezing it back to you in drips too :)

I love lust and being accepted for who I am and what I need and what I am capable of giving.

I loved going to see "Wrath of the Titans" this week, and sitting there and just enjoying the moment with a dear friend.

I love my doggy, Monty so much. He is so silly and smart. He smells so good. I kiss him everyday.

I am loving my time "alone" this week and am treating myself to a pattern book oggling at Joanne Fabrics this afternoon to make a fantasy Victorian lace gown. Someday. It will all start with the perfect pattern. I intend to research and seek it out. Today.

I am loving my friend Lorie O'Donnell SO much. She is kindred to me, and I am so much enjoying the CD, by "Luminere" that she gave me. In particular the versions of "Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies" and "Wayfaring Stranger" that we do, but I enjoy these versions very much. I am looking forward to our "play day" this weekend with her and her mate. Movies, wine, food and laughter is on the menu.

I am loving my grey hair coming in. I feel it deepens me and I am aware that I am aging and I am loving growing in all forms. I am becoming a wise old woman.

I am loving the sunshine and good weather!

I am loving cooking again. Food is a wonderful, joyous thing, and cooking with love is a magical creation. The eating of it is a joyful boon.

I am loving my poetry and am honored to be picked to read this Friday night at a local museum at the Annual Spring Poetry Reading, featuring local poets and writers.

I am loving my two girls, Jesse & Shawna who give to me their love, devotion and acceptance of their crazy mother.

I am also loving the Open Mics that we do, the crowd of fun musicians and audience it draws and the friendships that have developed over the years. I am truly blessed.

I love my guitar and drum, first and foremost and always will. They are like breathing to me. I cannot live without them.

And I love you for reading my stuff.


1 comment:

  1. And I am loving you, too. Can't wait for our play date; I feel a snuggle puppy pile coming on....
