Friday, September 14, 2012


There is a magickal phenomenon out there called Shapeshifting.

It's been mused about in literature,  whispered about at campfires and discussed openly in storytelling groups and worked on in meditation circles for eons.There are so many references to it our culture.

What is it?

Well, looks like there are two kinds.

Either you take the shape willingly.....and purposefully...
(think of young Arthur into a fish/or grown man Uther Pendragon into Gorlois- Duke of Cornwall in Merlin's spell capable wizard hands....
or a Zeus turning himself into a bull or swan or whatever creature to lure a maiden.....
or like in Carlos Casteneda's books to try the form on of an animal to experience running at night in the dark)
or mayhaps the Ogre in Puss in Boots...

Or not. 
(think of Werewolves and their reluctant transformation....
The Incredible Hulk....
Fin Raziel in "Willow" who was turned into a muskrat by Bavmorda....
or Circe turning men into animals in The Odyssey....
as in the peasant saying, "She turned me into a newt...but I got better." in "The Holy Grail" :)

Stories abound of shapeshifting creatures from werewolves, vampires to veelas (who appear to be young beautiful women, but are in actuality more like Harpies).

Why are there so many stories of such things? Is it because they've happened? Or is it because we really would like them to happen? Wouldn't it be wondrous to be able to FLY like a bird? Swim like a fish? Run as fast as a deer?
Perhaps there is a need to connect with other beings, animals in order to relate. Maybe it is our need to learn and grow and understand.

There are exercises in meditation and acting classes that encourage us to "walk a mile" in an animal or a bird's feet. It is good to do. The earth and its creatures are being bombarded by all kinds of irritants, losing their habitats and they are trying to communicate with us. Tapping into their psyche in some way, surely is a good thing to try to learn and grow together.
 To try to  experience what life is like for another creature really helps us to become One with Mother Earth.

There are also Wiccan and Pagan classes that encourage the delving into shapeshifting in some forms.

Word to the can be dangerous. Some say that once make the transformation, and you are "in animal form, you may "forget" who you are....and not want to come back."
That you should have a guardian of your human shape and a way to call you back once you have left yourself.

Moral of the Shapeshifting Story:

So while it's good to learn and grow and learn the ways of another....
it is also good to remember who YOU are... and never abandon yourself in the process of learning.

In the end...

Grow, change, bend your borders.
Shapeshift back to YOU.


  1. I've shapeshifted in seidhr (journeying), and not found it dangerous at all. I had no problems returning to myself.

  2. Very interesting post, something that has sparked my interested and I'll now have to research more on! :)
