Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thyme heals

Thyme can represent: Virginity, activity, bravery, courage, strength, vigor, and of course, Time.

It is thought that fairies live in a bed of thyme, and that the King of the Fae dances in a bed of thyme!

Thyme was thought to cure encourages "spiritedness"

Thyme was supposedly one of the herbs that line the manger when Jesus was born. Surely he was a pure soul who needed courage.

The herbs: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme mentioned in the song, "Scarborough Faire" are a wedding love charm when put into a bride's bouquet.

In the olden song that I sing in my duo, Merry Mischief, "A Bunch of Thyme", the song mentions Thyme in the capacity that a woman's love and virginity (even as it comes to a tender heart) is something to protect and to guard.....and for women not to give away their hearts and their bodies away so easily. It is a warning for women not to take false lovers.

How'ere, that is easier said than done sometimes.

This is where Thyme, symbol for courage and bravery comes in. Even if we have given away our hearts and loved deeply, and had our trusts broken or stolen away...Thyme is the herb that reminds us that our Love is Perrenial. It is hardy, and you can break it up and it will live to grow another day.
Thyme/Time heals all wounds.

It's funny but the thing that broke your heart last year....doesn't hurt this year at all.

Thyme is for fortitude and intestinal strength and vigor. It cleanses and it heals.

Thyme is sturdy.

Just like me.

Just like YOU.

We live, survive and thrive and go on to season our own and someone else's dish with courage, and spiritedness.

Thyme is a reminder to just keep on living, growing and spreading your strength.

It is also believed that fairies live in thyme and that the King of the Fairies dances in a bed of thyme.

So get out there and celebrate living and being strong, my dearie darlings!

I leave you with one last song....
Wild Mountain Thyme
"I will build my love a bower, by yon pure and crystal fountain
and around it I will pile, all the flowers of the mountain.
Will ye go, lassie? Go?
And we'll all go down together.
To pull wild mountain thyme from around the purple heather.
Will ye go, Lassie? Go?"
If my true love were to leave me, I would surely find another...
to pull Wild Mountain Thyme, from all around the blooming heather...
Will ye Go, Lassie? Go?

And we'll all go down together.
To pull wild mountain thyme from around the purple heather.
Will ye go, Lassie? Go?"

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