Friday, November 16, 2012

Waning Moon Magick

"I need a W word for my next Pagan Blog Project word, Got any ideas?" I said to my mate.

"Wane" said Wayne.

The waning moon is the decreasing moon in light. It is the beginning process of going from a full moon back to the dark moon.

This is a time of decreasing other things in your life as well. A good time to banish negativity, lessen addictions, ridding toxic people or activities, removing obstacles, cleaning, ending bad habits or getting rid of debt.

Sometimes getting rid of something can make a big difference in your life.

Saying "No" to certain behaviors or activities can actually free you up for spending your time on more positive things!

Don't know what a waning moon looks like?

Here is my very own rhyme so that when you look at the crescent moon you'll know which is which:

"Light on the LEFT is LEAVING" 

"Light on the RIGHT is MIGHT" 

What is something you'd like to diminish in your life?

Is there a person whose negative behavior you'd rather not be around anymore?
Start withdrawing from them. You can love them, but start pulling back from them leaning on you and from your support of them and their needs.

Is there a bad habit that you would like to end in your life?
(smoking/drinking/gossiping/laziness..etc) Start by just committing to just a small step for today.

Remember even small steps will make you go forward. 

So today, I tell you to cast off something unwanted or unneeded so that you may lighten your load and pick up only what is helpful to yourself and others.

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