Friday, December 14, 2012

Yule~ The end of the dark night....

Yule is the season of the Longest Night and the Shortest Day...which is the tipping point of the days growing longer after that. The earth's tilt is the reason for the season. It brings with it the birth of the Sun King. And in the Christian religions, it brings the birth of the Son King, Jesus.

We are in this season right now, with the nights growing longer and we approach the Winter Solstice.

Interesting to note, also, is that this coming Yule date: December 21, 2012 is also the date that the Mayans have noted for another big change too. Some folks are thinking it's "The End of the World" as we know it.
(cue song :)

How' have to admit....that IS noteworthy!

I don't think it's an End, persay....but the Death Card in Tarot...

it is a Beginning and a time of Transformation.

I would submit to you, that with the Longest Night this year we shall be experiencing the JOY of banishing some darkness and growing into consciousness of Light and Love.

The Darkness will indeed be shrinking in our Consciousness...and the Light will grow in our Love Expressed.

With energies swirling now, I doesn't take much to see that people are indeed, energized with mixed emotions. I say that we just keep LOVE and HOPE in the forefront of our hearts and minds and look forward to the resetting of the calendar as "The Age of Aquarius" and bring the Light into our spirits.

So this Yule...

when you stand by your fire pit this Solstice, please do keep our Earth Mother Goddess in your prayers especially at this time. She is being harmed by our pollution, our audacity, our wars and our noxious emissions.

Also hold Mankind in your prayers that we, as a species, will wake up to the damage we've done, and let's just start loving...paying it random acts of Kindness...and Attract Good.

I wish you a very Blessed Yule and a Merry Christmas...and a Happy New Year 2013!!

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