It's been 2 years since I started the first StoryBook Club gathering. We've had such a lovely time! Eating, drinking, reading, discussing, being randy, creative thinking. I'd like to do it again this year!
The StoryBook Club premise is this:
"That Children's Literature is sometimes OH SO MUCH MORE than just stories for children!"
Which is why at THIS bookclub...there are no children allowed. Some of these themes that we dig up are NOT PC...nor G nor are they PG rated. Most are "R" and some are X. Or at least Unrated :)
Oh don't get me wrong. We love kids. Well, some of us do. Some of them (like me) Likes kids. Likes babies...and then very much likes to hand them back to their parents. I loved mine. Still do. But dealing with kids all day? Not so much. I'm more like "let's go in and do a kid's show and then get out with our lives" sort of person.
But surely I digress. :)
Here were the subjects we researched, detangled and devoured this last year of 2012:
January- TROLLS
February- Damsels in Distress
March- Banshees
April- The Velveteen Rabbit
May -Peter Pan
July-Robin Hood
August- Sheherezade & The Arabian Nights
September- American Tall Tales
October- Goblins
November- Mermaids
December- Hansel & Gretel
They all look pretty tame, fun, silly and wondrous don't they? Yes, they were.
BUT they were also full of other things...darker things. Things that go bump in the night.
Like: fear of the Unknown, being rescued, responsibility and the shirking of it by never growing up, martyr-ism, death, false feelings, unconditional love and it's denial, fear of self, politics, deception, lies, shape shifters of our emotions, the dark gooey icky part of our hearts fully revealed, women's rights (or lack of), co-dependency, addictions, and shamanic journey to our inner self.
It's been a wondrous journey!
Did we eat well?
I love The StoryBook Club and my clever friends in it, and am very happy that I have this outlet and interesting bookworm friends to share it with!
I look forward to another amazing year of STORIES!
Starting with....
The Frog Prince this Friday!
Nice summary!