Tuesday, October 29, 2013

DIY~ Bali Retreat : Acquiring the materials

Hey Ho my friends and fellow virtual travelers!

Have you been thinking on the Bali Retreat Idea?

I have. I posted the elements yesterday that I wanted to include in my personal week's Quest.

So, now, I'm thinking on how to acquire them for little or no money. Remember, we can do this and draw it to ourselves, and make it happen if we really want it!

Here are some ideas that I've been amassing and implementing (shown in Parenthesis)

Juicing for breakfast  (have juicer, not afraid to use it! :)

Healthy meals eaten with focus (will feature more Whole Foods. "God Food" (if it grows...eat it... if not...don't)

Yoga (DVDs/Videos that I own or am ordering thru my Netflix or County Library card)

Nature walks (will make an effort to get to Beaver Lake and Baltimore Woods for a lovely fall walk during that week)

Listening to relaxing sounds (rounding up some Meditative music and Gregorian chant CDs. Also considering signing up for a Kundalini Yoga experience and concert on Nov. 17th. Have to get ticket yet!)

Playing music or drumming (easily done as a musician for me, but making some time for fun and not just practice)

Cleansing and pampering body techniques  (surfing online for home spa remedies)

Cleansing and pampering Spirit techniques  (Guided meditations, grounding and also going to watch some favorite movies, such as "Eat, Pray, Love" and "South Pacific" to get me in the Bali Mood!)

Swimming in turquoise water  (my work out of the blue offered its employees a "free week" at the YMCA coupon! I'm saving it for the week of Nov. 10-17 and will be able to go swimming! Also a 9am yoga class on that Saturday. I will stop in before the week noted and find out what all they offer!)

Sunshine (I already have a tanning membership. I need sunshine or else I suffer from SAD -Seasonal Affective Disorder. This week, I will up my dose a bit to go to the Tropics and imagine myself lying on the beach!)

Dancing- Yoga Body Movement (have some DVDs but I am going to make a selection and put it on my Spotify and dance at home daily that week for a bit!)

Fiiiiyaaaah  (an evening bonfire for a bit each nite in my firepit!)

Reading books and/or watching/listening to Positive Empowering lectures(have ordered MANY from the library and on Netflix)

Meditation (planning on starting my morning every day with this first thing for 10 minutes)

Disconnect from media (easier said than done, granted, but am getting my work email and only posting these blogs and will get right OFF when done)

Connecting more deeply to Inner Spirit/Intuition


Vision board and Journaling/ Creative Expression

Hydrate (will increase my water intake)

Cool clothes/wraps/different fashion(taking more care about what I wear, and if I haven't worn something in awhile, I'm going to wear stuff I don't normally wear and feature fun stuff! Especially bright colors of the Tropics this week! Hot pinks! Turquoise! Yellow!)

A glass of good red wine savored.(ONE, Merlyn. ONE.)

Herbal Supplements 
For myself, I need more B vitamin (who doesn't?) I am also low on D. Natural green if possible.

Adventure- go someplace new. I'm thinking of the Art Museum to see some new exhibits.


REST/Good Sleep (bedtime of 10pm after a hot bath nightly) And naps if I can get them!

Just wanted to give you some ideas on how to implement!

How is your list coming along? Found some ingenious ways to add some tropical rest to your upcoming Retreat week?

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