Monday, November 18, 2013

Bali Blog will call you.....Come to me, you special writing...

This last week, I have fleshed out a wild hair, and no, I didn't need tweezers.

I used the week as a culture soak of a sort. Imagined myself immersed in the culture, environment and sites and experiences of being in Indonesia. Bali, specifically.

The place conjured up tropical vistas, luxurious weather, colorful clothing, different religious practices and foods!

Why not go and immerse myself on a Creative Learning Experience of my own choosing?

This week I watched hours of "Trekking the World- Discovering the Earth's Most Awe-Inspiring Places". A 6 CD disc collection from my library about fantasical REAL places that just oooooze spiritual goodness. I would HIGHLY recommend it.
Harry and I enjoyed it very much!

I went to 2 different cuisine restaurants that I've never tried!

Thai Food at "The Bankok" in Liverpool, with Lynn & Mike and the most decadent curry puffs, deep fried tofu, freshly delicate spring rolls, a big bowl of coconut curry with scallops (the broth was unbelievable at the end!) and banana pastries with coconut ice cream and Jasmine tea. Soooo delicious!

The other restaurant was "New Century" Vietnamese food on Kirkpatrick St. Syracuse. Went with a big bunch of foodies! Mike and Linda, Tim and Dani, Polar, Tom and Harry! A big group of interesting and fun friends who love to eat!
I learned much from them!
Most of us were there for the Pho Soup. A gigantic bowl of brothy deliciousness made with your choice of meat. You add the veggies, sauces and herbs that you like. At the end of the bowl, the broth that has marinated is just amazing!).

Also tried Vietnamese egg rolls and ginger chicken wings. One delightful find was Vietnamese Coffee. So thick, creamy and sweet. More like hot chocolate with a rocket fuel kick!

I will be going back to both of these places again and again!

I found that I behaved in my "Bali" a bit more deliberate in my choice during the day. I thought about cooking in the morning for the evening, rather than coming home to it at night ravenous. When you cook with whole grains, it is more of plan ahead style that is helpful.

When I thought I wanted to read, I devoted myself totally to it or any other thing I wanted to do. I really tried to live IN THE MOMENT.

I learned a LOT about Buddhism and Hinduism as well as learned about Holy places and Sacred Temples from that area.

And about their Holy Men and Women

Very different, and yet fascinating.
Also, that these two religions do live peaceably together in certain parts of this big world.
That was comforting and encouraging to hear too...

Yes, I had my regular work to do. I'm also in the midst of several large projects for my business and home as well as at my different jobs.

No Matter! I'm trying to add some Zen Quality of NOW into my existence.

Went to Nirinjan Kaur's Kundalini Yoga Workshop and Chanting program and her music concert for afters last night as my Bali finale.

(Say that 5x fast. Bali Finale, Bali Finale, Bali Finale, Bali Finale, Bali Finale :)

It was very heart opening, enjoyable and totally different in Yoga training as well as music style. Think CHANTING. Think Chakras. Think of "OM" a group for 2 hours.

It was fun to do it with my friend Christine too, who was also into it. Ok, and I admit, some of our Healthful Spiritual Outing had a Marguarita's name all over it :)

Here is one particularly enchanting meditation, to open and enliven the Kundalini energy. We did this mantra for about 10 minutes there.
Click these words to Check it out!
I found it to be totally addictive and it could've gone on longer for me.
Or maybe it did. I wasn't really aware of time....

As a musician, I also very much enjoyed this very different musical presentation, sitting cross legged in front of a microphone leading it. Very different. Very Spiritual.

This was the song that made me want to go see this group....Click here to listen.
We are all Spiritual.
We have to look upon all being as such.

Anyways, it was a week to enjoy my body, pampering myself, working thoughtfully, relaxing consciously with no guilt and enjoying life and my choices.

I hope your week was just as Grand!

This is as an idea was really interesting and I will try again in the future as a good experience to become aware of others' cultures.

A readiness to learn teaching experience of Art, Music, Food, Theology, Culture, Fashion and Environments!

Namaste. (which means "Salutations to you. I honor the Spirit with You.")

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