Saturday, November 9, 2013

Time for some Self Love and priority to Focus on it!

Tomorrow is the day that I start my self imposed wild hair "DIY~ Bali Retreat Staycation."

A time for some insight, pampering and structure for me, along with rest, dance and armchair traveling through music, movies, books and tapes.

I'm glad you are along for the ride! I love adventure. The ideas that I have take me to many new and wonderful places, full of goodness, creativity and expression. This week I've prepped by buying some wonderful fruits, veggies, ingredients and new and wonderful curries to cook with!

But what I need to first implement is STRUCTURE for my schedule. You see, as a self employed minstrel,
I wear many hats, and have many jobs. My life is flexible due to the nature of my work. My life is written in dry erase markers. But for this week, I will be implementing some actual structure and routine in my daily schedule.

I've been looking online at retreats round the world and schedules are very important to be able to accomplish some personal time.

I also will be putting in elements of creativity and surprise into my day.
Into a jar, I will be putting in strips of paper with ideas for pampering (facial, manicure, pedicure, self massage, oil treatment, hair treatment, etc...)

And into another I will be putting ideas for creative expression (journal, drawing, vision board, music, dance, photography, etc)

I intend to surprise myself every day with something FUN and Good for me!

 I am setting a schedule for myself to be able to find the time I need to do what is important to me this week.

There will be time for Yoga, Mediation, Creative Expression, Walks, Swimming, Tanning and personal care, as well as naps and reading time.

I intend to have fresh made juices for breakfast, and will be cooking with more whole grains. A detox tea will be enjoyed in the morning, and Golden Milk (Turmeric Milk) will be savored in the evening. (Recipe follows at the end)

This is not about losing weight, but living more deliberately. Less media and a news fast will be an important part to me. Focusing on the good in people, blessing others with Love, offering forgiveness to the Spirit, and meditating on my own life and purpose. Being grateful. Enjoying music and harmony and giving thanks to the Universe for my body and how well it serves me.

 So this much I will do:

I start this week of my personal retreat, by leading a Church service in Syracuse for a big congregation tomorrow morning at the FUU (First Unitarian Universalist Society).  I am honored to be asked to build the service, lead the sermon and to also perform and offer my music for the congregation. It is a service for Peace, Remembrance and Forgiveness for "Forget Me Not Day", for "Veteran's Day" and for the month of November which is "Drumming Month". I think the timing is beautiful for a kick-off! I have asked for Special Friends of mine to also offer their gifts and talents of music as well for a healing program. I am very much looking forward to it!

This week, I will also treat myself to dinner out to some Thai food (as close to Balinese cooking as it gets around here, locally, I think). I've never been exposed to it much, so I am looking forward to learning new things and tasting new delights!

During the week, I intend on enjoying some new cooking recipes, some movies ("The King & I", "Eat, Pray, Love", "South Pacific" and "Anna and The King" to give me that "Bali feeling").

I will also try to go swimming and get some extra rays!! I will wear some lively colors, batiks or clothing that I have not worn in awhile. I will feel good in my skin!  I choose to feel good about myself. I love me. It's not vanity, vanity comes from the Ego. Ego is a liar. No, real self love, loves "warts and all" as it were.
(and no, I don't have warts, it's just a saying. But even if I did....I would love them :)

The end of my week, next Sunday, I will (after practicing Yoga daily all week) be attending a Yoga Workshop and Concert by Nirinjan Kaur and look forward to it as my grand finale for this week of personal growth, spirituality, and physical gratefulness! The timing on this workshop and concert is also perfect!

I hope that you have a wonderful week ahead!
I will try to blog daily, as my Gift to you and to give you my updates as a Gift to myself.

Namaste. :)

Golden Milk

Heat 2 cups of milk (I use Almond milk) with 1/2 - 1 tsp turmeric powder, a pinch each of fresh grated ginger, sugar or honey to taste, and 1 cinnamon stick. You can also add cardamom if you like. Cook until the milk comes to a full boil. Drink while it's hot.

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