Thursday, March 27, 2014

StoryBook Club visits the Wee Folk

So there I was, gripping the coat tails o' a wee sprite of a man.

A Leprechaun!

Here's what I knows to be true about them sort:

*They's tricksy, indeed.

*Dinna take yer eyes off 'im, mate, or else they disappear as will yer wishes.

*Dinna let them go afore he gives ye yer 3 wishes by rights.

*Dinna believe them when they says ye can has a 4th wish. That extra greedy one will make the first 3 disappear for'ere!

*They canna be trusted. EVER.

*They loves music and dancin!

*They loves to drink, but you'll have fun trying to drink them under the table.

A few intrepid seekers o' the Blarney, met up at Squirrel Haven, to discuss the Leprechauns, on account it were the month o' March and all things Irish and Celtic.

We supped on  delicious Colcannon, Irish Cheeses,  horseradish and crackers (goodly pub food), homemade bread, magic brownies :) and Irish Coffees and Shamrock cookies for afters!

Here's a few wee folk, a pot o' gold and some Irish Coffee...

Shamrock Cookies
(By the way, Irish Coffee may be the "perfect" food. It has caffeine, alcohol, sugar and fat :)

For our Video Choices:

We were surprised at the political inappropriateness of the movie "Finian's Rainbow" (with Fred Astaire and Petula Clark) and were amazed and astounded and sort of sickened by the stereotypes they portrayed in we chose a different one.

The movie for the discussion was "Darby O' Gill and the Little People"

(with a handsome and YOUNG Sean Connery) and we learned about Darby and King Brian o' the wee folk.


I've always known that Sean Connery was a babe...but I wasn't around for this when he was younger.
That is one hot man. :)

For next month...
In hopes of SPRING and SUMMER and better weather...
and seeing as how our next meeting is close to Easter....

We will be studying Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby!

Zippety Do-Dah!

(hmmm....I feel a BBQ coming on... :)

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