Tuesday, December 30, 2014

There's Magick when you go Into the Woods~

This month's installment of our StoryBook Club took a turn and we strayed off the path of our regular meetings

Instead, we met up at Destiny Mall to go see the new film "Into the Woods" starring Meryl Streep, Tracey Ullman and Johnny Depp among many more of a star studded cast.

It was a great turnout of 15 Fairy Tale Fanatic Friends meeting up! (Why NO, we haven't "grown up", thank you!)

Our first daunting task to acquire was to figure out how to get the magical tickets with a long line around the block to the box office window.... and THEN to make it into the theatre in time for the show!
We were undaunted. And unfortunately, unwatered with liquor and we all forgot our flasks.
How'ere, we had magic on our side! Someone got a beam of light from heaven and we all side stepped the traditional route of the box office and bellied up to the bar of the Fandango machine. A couple of the members had Regal Cinema cards and we did some finagling on the machine and out of pocket reimbursements while others who had tickets went in and saved seats.

FIFTEEN SEATS. All together and IN TIME FOR THE SHOW! Pretty spectacular magick, that!

The story is an amalgamation of several stories: Rapunzel, The baker's wife, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Bean Stalk, as well as some references to some other fairy tales.

Into the Woods is a Musical Stage Show, first and foremost. This was a very different experience to put it on the big screen, but like Les Mis, they did a very fine job of it and some of the tunes were quite catchy.

"Hello, Little Girl" sung by the Wolf (Johnny Depp) was appropriately creepy and lusty and I loved his wolf howl at the end. It reminded me of the zoot suited wolf in old cartoon "Red Hot Riding Hood"!
 Come to find out...Johnny Depp DID pattern himself after this same wolf! He's even got the pocket chain.
He was eerily on the money for it and the wolf howl on the end was PERFECT.
Meryl Streep was AMAZING as the witch! As always, the witch...evil at first...then as we come to know her, we find she is misunderstood (as are most folks who seem mean)...with the inevitable image and parental issues.
And man, that girl can SING! Who knew??
The makeup jobs were great on her.

Lots of humor did abound in many places and we roared with laughter for the way over the top song "Agony" sung by the Princes!

Best Quote of the movie in my own personal opinion was by Prince Charming himself as he proceeded to continue to love 'em and leave 'em with his wooing of the Baker's Wife:

                                              "I was raised to be charming....not sincere." 

(WORD.  :) Hey, at least he admitted it. We've always knew that about that Prince. He rode off into the wild world, ever seeking, never happy.

How'ere, the "Other Prince" in Rapunzel was much more sincere...he was blinded by enchanted briars blocking his path.. (figuratively as well as emotionally and literally....)

But wait! Through yonder window breaks HOPE! Once he seeks out his true desire...and found his love by feelings, instead of by comely delight....his sight is regained from Rapunzel's sincerely lovely tears, he was a very grand protector and lover man for her and they BOTH did have a happily ever after and made their own magic! <3 He was rewarded with the sunset ride with the girl on his white horse!
Mayhaps it's best to not be so "charming" and be "the Other Kind" is what this story is telling us?

.Little Red Riding Hood finds new meaning in her sexuality and starts wearing the wolf cape from vanquished foes for her strength. (You go, girlfriend!) She gives new meaning to wearing "wolves' clothing" :)

And Jack from Beanstalk Fame learns the hard way that it's not kewl to steal.

After a delightful romp with a Giant and some real Grimm moments of original fairy tale endings with the obligatory bird eye peckings and occasional, well, DEATH....the story took us on some twists and turns away from the set up "happy ever after" and left us with a hodge-podge family worthy of many multiple marriages.

But in the end...
All Giants slain, "everyone who deserves to live, does" and All in all a delightful movie outing!

With a BONUS reel of a happy ending of 15 wonderful souls having ales and drinks and nibbles at a pub on a winter's evening at a long banquet table talking and laughing into the dark night.

The ending of my personal tale was the magical snow that found us on the way home!
There was none in the forecast....there were bare roads with no snow falling but only a few flakes.
Then we turned a corner and "BAM! Smack!" (as the Wicked Witch would say) there was SNOW all over the roads...yet no snow falling!
A TOTALLY weird, wonderful and an appropriate magickal ending.

Friends, Fun and Fairy Tales. This IS StoryBook Club!

Next month? "Jack Frost!" Just in time for Winter! So put on an extra log on the fire, curl up with some old folk tales and stay warm till next time!
Sincerely submitted by your faithful Storyteller....

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