Thursday, January 1, 2015

It's Official. I'm now Reverend Merlyn :)

I have been hearing the call for quite sometime now....

As a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church, I've been a Lay Leader for many years and have programmed and led so many, many services. My love of Theology and years of Seeking has drawn me to many diverse peoples and cultures.

Recently, at my last service at Hogmanay (Scottish New Year), several people asked me about becoming Ordained. I admit, I've been really thinking about it as the Spirit has been niggling my conscience. I also had a dear friend ask me if I could be like my old friend Cricket and officially do magickal ceremonies. I told her I could do the ceremonies, no problem...but wasn't ordained at the time.

Too many coincidences.
 You really have to listen to the Universe on these things.

So as of this new day, and in honor of the New Year, and fulfilling good promises to myself and others..
on this January 1, 2015, I filed the paperwork and am now a Minister in the Universal Life Church and can perform Weddings and officiate at Baptisms and Funerals, should there ever be a call.

I am totally thrilled!
My Ordination materials and credentials will be coming soon.

Also, while I was at it, I decided to go ahead and do another wondrous thing and fulfill a Long Time Wish...
and so I became a Minister of the Church of the Dude as well.

So I shall also "Abide" in the Church of Dudeism.

Remember, the Universe is a great and grand place. We are all here for a Great and Grand Purpose.

On this My Ordination Day I promise to be as cool as I can be and to help others be their own Spiritual cool selves as well.  We should love one another. But to not only be tolerant but to try to accept others with Love. To Be helpful. Be kind. Be Open Minded to others.

And most importantly always remember the Tenets of the Good Living:


Have a WONDROUS New Year of Great and Grand Things!

Be Who you Want to Be!!!

Love and Bright Blessings~

Reverend Merlyn :)

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