Having been baptized and raised to my adolescence as Catholic...
then accompanying my mom on her spiritual journey thru many faiths...
(Baptist/Presbyterian/Seventh Day Adventist/Pentecostal/Episcopalian)
to my own search (Dutch Reformed/Methodist/United Methodist/Wicca-Pagan path)
Having friends that were Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist....
till I found that I was None...and yet All of these.
My affiliation with the Unitarian Universalist Church seemed like the place for me with all my eclectic beliefs.
(Their motto is: "Room for different beliefs...YOURS." :)
I find Peace and Tolerance to many faiths thru this Eclectic Spiritual Journey.
For instance: I love and accept and admire totally-
Jesus with his kindness and total love for others. Even the untouchables and the unloveable.
I SO much IDENTIFY with her.
Zeus (Jupiter)- All Powerful and Patriarch. Big Daddy with a temper sometimes. He can fix things! Or break them.
Hera- The Goddess of Marriage and Home (who also has a temper, like most wives :)
Ganesh- Remover of Obstacles! With lots of strong arms to take problems AWAY! Sometimes I really need Ganesh to help me move MOUNTAINS!
When you meditate..."smile with your liver" to bring happiness into your being! I feel in touch with Buddha and Ganesh when I do my Yoga...
Pele- Fiery Goddess of Power, for purging endings clean and making new beginnings fresh!
She can sterilize it and let new things and creativity grow again.
Gabriel-Rebirth, Creativity, Purification
Ariel- for Healing, Angel of animals
Raphael- Angel of Love, Laughter and Joy
Personally, I find that "cherry picking" has best suited my understanding of the World and its cultures and helps to heal me and to stabilize my Spiritual Quest and it has answered many of my Theological questions in one way or another!
Maybe this Eclectic thing was originally created in me by the Catholic religion and all it's lovely Saints and Angels, Bishops and Priests and stained glass window to look up to and admire. Who knows?
What I do know is that in my heart there is a God/Goddess/Angel for every situation.
I mean, what Catholic hasn't prayed to St. Christopher for safe travels?
Or to Saint Anthony to find something lost?
(BTW~ I still have a fob, which I found one day...that has a St. Anthony medal on it. I was amused! I will always keep it in a special place to remind me.)
Some folks would say that this kind of belief is sacrilege or blasphemy.
But I think it actually Honors our World, the Universe, the Universal Spirit (whatever it really is, it may be hard to describe, name or label) and it makes us understand our diverse populations and historic culture better.
I find Peace when I can pray to those who are in Charge of such things.
It's like the saying: "The right tool for the right job."
That's the ticket!
While you can use a universal tool....
sometimes it's best to specialize.
Case in point:
I could go to my Family Doctor for a toothache...
but a Dentist may be the better call....
Even then...
he may refer me to an Endodontist.
So that's the way I feel about it.
Specialized Faith.
Eclectic Spirituality=
The right God or Goddess or Angel for any particular situation.
Seems logical to me.
For more writings on this letter of the week from other writers, CLICK HERE